Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Not much going on around here...

Well, we haven't been doing too much since the last time that I posted. Sadly, we missed the icy/snowy/sleety weather this week, and I didn't get to miss a day of school. RATS! For some random reason, we were dismissed early from school yesterday - at 1:45. It wasn't sleeting or snowing, but we were sent home. Hmmm...strange to me, but I will take early-out days however I can get them!

Grey and Cole are good right now.

Cole is cutting more teeth, and we sure will be glad when he finally gets all his chompers!

Grey is still nurturing his Chah-dee Bown (Charlie Brown) addiction by watching the Christmas specials each time that they come on television. :o) It's pretty funny to watch him run in circles in his imitation of the way that Charlie Brown and the other Peanuts characters dance.

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