Monday, November 24, 2008

A Monday morning, for sure...

This morning was a doozy, to say the very least. I was running late and was trying to herd the boys out the door to go to the sitter's. Cole was screeching, " 'and! 'and! 'and!" * Grey determinedly brought his pillow AND his blanket to the door and needed my help in carrying them. I was already frazzled, so I grabbed Cole's hand to begin the descent down the steps. Grey was behind us, so I held Cole's hand until he reached the bottom. I let go for a few seconds to continue to hold the door open for Grey. In the meantime, Cole takes off at a dead sprint, giggling and yelling because he knows that I am going to have to chase him before I put him in the car. As I tried to grab him quickly, he tripped and fell face-first into the big pile of leaves in the flower bed. Did I mention that it was POURING RAIN at that time? Oh yes, Cole was soaked and as happy as a little clam. He said, "Bah-ber! Bah-ber!" (Cole-speak for water) Grey looked on in dismay, "Oh, yook, Momma...Brubber's a MESS! Uh oh..." And all of that happened in approximately 30 seconds... Fun times at the Westbrook house... Fun times...

*Cole's new thing to do when we are leaving the house is to shriek, " 'and! 'and!" He wants to hold hands with someone so that he can walk down the steps in the carport.

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